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Festival Terms & Conditions / Code of Conduct

We can’t wait to have you at Lost in Paradise 2023. We just want to take a minute to remind the festival goers to be safe and have fun.  We want all our festival friends to have the best experience and making it the BEST experience is our top priority.

  • You are entitled to enjoy LIP 2023 free from disruptive or inconsiderate behaviors or unruly actions.

  • Fighting, throwing objects or other behavior deemed detrimental to the experience of other guests will result in you being removed from the festival.

  • Intervention with an overly-intoxicated or impaired festival goer will be handled in a prompt and efficient manner. 

  • Please comply with requests from festival staff or security regarding venue operational and emergency procedures.

  • We’re all in this together, so we ask all our festival friends to report inappropriate behavior to festival staff. Remember: SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.

  • Violation of the Festival Code of Conduct may result in eviction from the festival

  • The environment and the local community are of paramount importance to the Promoter. Please share this respect and place any litter you create. ​



A total fire ban is in place for the duration of the Festival. You are not permitted to have campfires, naked flames, candles or other potentially hazardous items or materials.

The following items are also prohibited on the Festival site. Do not bring any:​

  • Mini-bikes and any similar motorised vehicles.

  • Glass bottles, glass containers, breakable drinking glasses.

  • Pyrotechnics, sparklers, flares, fireworks, firecrackers.

  • Generators or sound systems.

  • Dogs or any kind of pets.
    Any Ticket Holder found with any of these in their possession will be evicted from the Festival Site.



You must not improperly use, cause damage to, remove, tamper with or steal any public facility or Festival infrastructure (“Festival Property”). Equally, you must not improperly use, cause damage to, remove, tamper with or steal any element of the Festival Site.


The Promoter will not be held liable, whatsoever, for any damage to, or loss of, any property (including, without limitation, personal property such as cars, tents, bags, cash or any other personal items) brought to or purchased during the Festival.

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